Apex V2.64

Apex V2.64

Defects Resolved

Zoho Desk
Zoho Desk Number

New Features

Zoho Desk
Zoho Desk Number
Payment Details

A setting has been added not to hide payment details on reservations. By default these are hidden and supervisor rights 
are required to view them. This setting prevents them from being hidden so that all employees are able to see them.
Unlock employees at EOD

A setting has been added to unlock employees at End Of Day. When set, the failed login attempts on employee codes are set back to zero during the day end process.  
Customer Extract

Apex Oracle Customer Export changes: 
Column AY will not allow special characters including fullstops.  
Column CW will be "South Africa" and not ZA 
Column W will default to "South Africa" 
P - Null 
BH - Null 
BJ - Null 
DB - Null
DC - Null
Attachment handling

In order to help prevent database size problems, particularly at clients who rely heavily on the reservation attachments, a change has been made to allow the attachments to be saved in a folder on the server outside of the database.
Please note that the attachments saved to a folder will not form part of the End Of Day backups and that clients will have to include the folder that holds the attachments in their routine server backups.
The folder to be used for attachments is specified under System Defaults and Policies.
The "Don't use database attachments" check box should be set if users should no longer be allowed to import attachments into the database but if it is left unchecked, both options will be available when adding 
attachments and the user will have to choose whether the attachment that they are adding should be saved in the database or in the folder. 
With the check box ticked, the "Add to Database" option is unavailable.
Any attachments already saved to the database may be moved to the folder by using the "Move to Folder" button. 
Attachments saved to the folder will be compressed and saved in .ATZ format which can only be extracted through Apex to help mitigate security concerns. 
Under the "Folder" tab, the attachments that have been saved to the folder will be visible.
When attachments from the folder are extracted, a copy in the original format will be saved to the user's local environment and a prompt will appear to confirm that they will delete the local copy once they are finished with it.

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