Apex V2.90

Apex V2.90

New Features

Zoho Number
Zoho Desk Number
Send zero instead of blank fields in STR upload
On the GENFTPSTAT interface, the Fields  below now default to "0" not Blank: 
  1. TotalRooms
  2. RoomstoSell
  3. TotalAdl
  4. TotalKid
  5. GTDRooms
  6. NONGTDRooms
  7. ArriveRooms
  8. DepartRooms
  9. CompRooms
  10. HouseRooms
  11. MaintenanceRooms
  12. AllotmentRooms
 Set deposit rule when deposit code is added by CRS interface

When deposit codes are created by the CRS interface they will now default to 100% calculation.
This prevents issues where changed CRS bookings cannot recalculate deposits due.
The database update will fix any existing deposit codes built by the interface where no calculation method is set.
 Reset deposit due when deposit is corrected

When a deposit was posted and then corrected, the deposit due amount is now reset.
The value of and deposits on the invoice is now also displayed next to the deposit due date.
 Character increase and alignment of group guest list conditions

The Group Guest List conditions field now handles 3500 characters and the margins have been changed so that text runs across the full width of the page.

 Add "Export to excel" on avail, rack and chart

The right-click menu on the Availability-, Room Chart- and Room Rack screens now offer the option to "Export Grid to Excel".
The grid that is visible on the screen at the time of exporting will be exported.
Added utility to rebuild Guest History stats and data

New utilities have been added for Guest History records .
New Employee Booking Analysis Report

A new report has been added that allows comparison of several employee actions. Bookings, cancellations, check-ins and check-outs may be reported on and a summary is available.
Add cancellations to Daily Comparison Report

The Daily Comparison Report can now report on Occupancy and on Cancellations.
Added option to choose between Rooms and Beds occupied on 52 week graph

The 52 Week Occupancy Report now has the option to report on occupied rooms or -beds.
Deposits applied to Sage Intacct

A journal entry for applied deposits has been added to the Sage Intacct interface. 
In interface configuration a settings line "Send Deposit=" must be set to "Yes" for this.
The configuration GUIDE has been updated with the changes. 
Folio number filter on Folio Summary Report

The option has been added to the folio summary report to show a particular folio only.

Defects Resolved

Zoho Number
Zoho Desk Number
 Meal plan codes on CRS reservations  

When a multi-itinerary reservation is received and the itinerary lines have different rate codes, those rate codes will now check which meal plan is assigned to them and set that at pickup instead of defaulting to that of the first itinerary on the reservation.
Archive utility loop

The archive was looping for every month for every year while only one amount per past year per department code is stored.
It now loops per year which reduces the amount of time it takes and the likelihood of the process freezing.
Please keep in mind that the archive process takes time and that it is best to run it in batches from the oldest data onward. 
Depending on the size of the database, running a year at most initially is recommended.

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