Apex Workstations

Apex Workstations

Workstations are added by users that have Administration rights.

Workstation configuration will take place before the system goes “live”, and is of utmost importance if the system is interfacing with other systems.

Every time a new workstation is added on the network it should be registered here first before operation continues the workstation. It is best to add the workstation from the PC itself as Apex will automatically detect the workstation's name.

  • The Workstation menu is situated under the Administration header >General Administration >Workstations.      

Steps to follow when adding a new workstation

Click on the "ADD"  button and complete the following fields:

  • Workstation: The workstation’s name on the network will automatically appear in this field, don’t change it.
  • Description: Type in your definition/description of the workstation. Do not use spaces or special characters.
  • Key Card Station#: Key cutting station’s number when interfaced with a key cutting program i.e. VingCard.
  • Interface ID: Each workstation on the network should have a unique workstation number, this is important as the interface will receive information from various workstations and the number specified will identify where information is sent from.
  • Property: Select property code from the drop-down list. If you manage more than one property on Apex, then leave this field blank.
  • Printer Selection: Select the default printer for the print jobs as specified on the left, by clicking on the drop-down arrow and selecting from the list of printers installed on the network and on the workstation.
  • Cash Drawer Installed: Tick the field to activate the system when a cash drawer is installed on this workstation.
  • Display Wake-up Call Reminder: Tick field when Wake-up call reminders should appear on this workstation.
  • Display Interface Warnings: Errors or disconnected interface messages will appear on the workstation when this field is ticked.
  • Zapper Interface: Tick the field to activate the system when a Zapper Interface is installed on this workstation.
  • Loyalty Swipe Card Reader: This field should be ticked if the workstation is configured to swipe Loyalty Cards from a 3rd party system such as One|One infinity.
  • Rewards Spipe Card Reader: This field should be ticked if the workstation is configured to swipe Loyalty Cards from a 3rd party system such as One|One infinity.
  • Webcam Installed: This field should be ticked if the workstation is configured to detect a webcam from a 3rd party system - and specify the type of system.

    Remember to click on the "SAVE"  button to save the changes made in the system.

    • Click on the workstation listed on the left of the screen, and select the  "CHANGE" button.
    • The user will be able to change all the fields except for the description field.
    • Remember to click on the  "SAVE"  button to save the changes made in the system.
    • Click on the workstation listed on the left of the screen, and select the "DELETE"  button.
    • A confirmation window will appear prompting the user to select “Yes” to delete the workstation or “No” to abort.

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