eRes Interface Double Rate amount is more than the sharing rate for two pax? eRes Interface Double Rate amount is more than the sharing rate for two pax?

The Rate for a double person on is incorrect, the extra person or third person rates are added to the sharing per person rate and sent as a double rate.

eRes uses the Standard Pricing Module when uploading rates to, what this means is:
Under the Standard model, you must specify two prices for every combination of room (except single rooms) and date:
  1. A default price for the maximum number of adult guests.
  1. A price for a single adult guest

When rates are loaded for the extra adult rate amount is inputted and if the room type can accommodate more than two adults, the rate amount sent will correspond to the max pax of the room type can occupy.

For example

The adult per person sharing rate rate is 1000.00, the extra adult rate is 500.00. The standard room occupies  max pax of 4.
The rate amount which will be sent to will be 3000.00 (1000.00+1000.00+500.00+500.00). Instead of the sharing rate for two pax 1000.00, the rate for three pax and rate for four pax.

What options are available?

1. On the  rate code sent to set a max pax of 2 and max pax of 2 adults. eRes will not send more than the double rate. If the rate code is used by other OTA's or on central reservations, this will affect them as well.  The extra person rates will not show, update your terms on to accommodate for the extra person charge.

2. Opt for unit rates instead of per person sharing rates for or leave the rate as is.

3.  Ask your support if they can manually load the Extra Person rate for you, this will remain the same until you request them to change it again. Do not load the extra adult rate amounts on NebulaCRS, otherwise eRes will still send the incorrect amount or have the max pax on rate code applied as in option 1.

4. Set up occupancy pricing whereby you create a separate rate code on eRes for each corresponding occupancy level, these rates plans also have to be created on extranet so they can be mapped accordingly.

For example:
  1. BCOM1 for 1 person.
  2. BCOM2 for 2 persons.
  3. BCOM3 for 3 persons.
  4. BCOM4 for 4 persons and so on.
Unit rate amounts are loaded per pax for each of the above, Unit Rate for single up to pax for 1 person, Unit rate amount for 2 persons with up to pax 2 and so on.

5. Contact HTI Support to switch over to the new NebulaCRS interface which accommodates the Occupancy based pricing

Should you require further assistance please contact your Client Success Team.

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