How do I amend an itinerary line in eRes?

How do I amend an itinerary line in eRes?

In order to amend an itinerary line the below steps need to be followed:
1. Amend Reservation
Access eRes and open the reservation that needs to be amended. 

To amend the itinerary line right click on the line, an "Amend Itinerary line" screen will appear.

From this screen you will be able to amend the following:
  1. The Inventory (you can select another room type).
  1. The Arrival date (you can change the arrival date).
  1. The Duration of stay (instead of changing the arrival date change the number of nights in-house).
  1. The Units (you can change the number of rooms).
  1. The Rate code (change the rate code by removing the rate code and pressing F4 on the keyboard to browse for other available rates).
  1. The Currency (should a different currency be required it can be removed and added by selecting F4 as above to browse other available currencies).
When amending the arrival date or duration of stay, the system will automatically recalculate the departure date after clicking in the next field.
Please note
  1. The Override inventory availability and Override rate availability settings will require supervisor rights.

Override inventory availability will ignore the inventory availability on the availability chart and will book the number of units you specify in the units field. Override rate availability disregards any closeouts, restrictions and opportunity cost of rate codes on a specific property and room type.

Should a rate code or currency change have taken place it will be indicated by a pink/purple border around the rate or currency on the itinerary line. Once all the changes have been made remember to select the "Save" button to save the changes.
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