How do I confirm my Availability in eRes?
In order to fix Availability issues on eRes please follow the below steps:
1. Have you checked reservations staying on the specific dates?
- Access the eRes Availability Chart and select the Room Type where the availability is out, right click on the date and select for example "Reservations for 2019/03/07". Compare these reservations with availability to ensure they correlate.
- Should eRes interface with a PMS, where the PMS updates eRes with availability, a Red bar will be displayed at the top of the screen indicating the availability as received from the PMS. This amount should be compared to reservations listed on the screen.
- If the availability amount does not match to the reservations listed on eRes you might need to contact the property and confirm which reservations they have on the PMS. It is possible that the reservations are sometimes moved to different room types at property level.
- Another option is to check the "Interface Monitor" to see if all the reservations have been sent to the property. Access eRes and click on Tools -> System Administration -> Interfaces -> PMS -> Interface Monitor. Reservations that are sent to the PMS will be grouped by individual or group reservation, profile, allocation, rates and deposit. The monitor will display the items waiting to be sent, waiting for response and items that have errors associated with them. When the reservations do not reach the PMS or are declined, the PMS will respond with an error message detailing the reasons for the decline.
- These errors should be monitored and solved where possible.
- Should the above steps not solve the availability issue please see below for additional steps.

2. Have you tried an Availability Rebuild?
- The Availability Rebuild function should only be used with prior consultation with your Client Success Agents, as unauthorised use may cause additional problems.
- When running an Availability Rebuild all other users need to be logged out of eRes, thus your Client Success Agent will need to arrange for downtime when applying this solution.
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