How do I fix frequent Expedia configuration errors?

How do I fix frequent Expedia configuration errors?

When availability updates are failing, the ADS message logs are checked in order to resolve these errors. In order to resolve the errors found on the ADS message logs the below steps need to be followed:
1. ADS Message Logs
  1. To access the messages navigate to Tools -> System Administration -> Interfaces -> ADS -> View ADS Message Logs.
  1. Select the drop downs specific to the OTA (in this scenario and the Property, then select the eRes Type and click on the "Search" button.
  1. The search will return the latest inventory or rate messages last uploaded to the OTA's. The "Sent" message contains what has been sent to the OTA's, whereas the "Received" message contains success or error messages. 
  1. In order to view these messages highlight the message by clicking on it and click on the "View" button, thereafter click on the "Pretty Print" button in the bottom right-hand corner. 
  1. Please see the below examples of frequent errors received and how to resolve them.
2. Common Errors

Common errors and their solutions are:

2.1 Access to this API with a non-API account is forbidden. Please use an API account.
  1. Check if the property is activated for eRes channel manager in the Expedia Extranet - if it is, check that the ID is entered correctly.
2.2 Hotel ID not found. You either specified an invalid hotel ID or your account is not linked to this hotel
  1. Please check with Expedia support that your account is properly set up for channel management with eRes - if it is check the ID is entered correctly. Check if the property is not hidden. if so un-hide the property on eRes and remove the mapping for the property under the ADS settings.
2.3 Pricing models mismatch: you tried to update a price for OCCUPANCY_PRICING, but your property is not configured for this pricing
  1. The pricing model is per day pricing so change the selector for "Price model" to "Per Day Pricing". Ask assistance from Expedia Support.
2.4 The [amount] cannot be specified with conflicting values within the same request
  1. The pricing model is per day pricing so change the selector for "Price model" to "Per Day Pricing". Ask assistance from Expedia Support.
2.5 Can't specify person count for PDP rate plan
  1. The pricing model is per day pricing. Change the selector for "Price model" to  "Per Day Pricing". Ask assistance from Expedia Support
2.6 Pricing models mismatch: your property is configured to use OCCUPANCY_PRICING
  1. Change the selector for "Price model" to "Occupancy Pricing".
2.7 Sell Rates are not expected for Merchant rate plan or Net Rate hotels
  1. The Rate codes need to have an A at the end. Check the rooms and rates mapping CSV from Expedia Extranet and compare to what has been mapped on the ADS Settings. The Rate plan IDs have to be used exactly as shown there.
2.8 The following roomtype id (xxxxx) does not belong to the given hotel: xxxxx
  1. You are trying to update rooms which is not on Expedia. You can only update IDs which is found on the rooms and rates mapping CSV from Expedia Extranet and compare to what has been mapped on the ADS Settings. The room type IDs have to be used exactly as shown there, rooms which are inactive should not be mapped.

2.9 Stop sell outside of Y with remaining base availability


Unable to set total inventory below the current base allocation value.

and Inventory request adjusted to prevent prohibited base availability decrease

  1. Base allocation (or contracted allotment) is a minimum number of rooms you have agreed to sell through Expedia.  When the availability the Channel manager sends falls below the base allocation, Expedia will ignore availability sent from the Channel manager.
  2. A common cause of this error is not having a valid price for the room in eRes on the affected dates.
  3. Make sure you have valid rates for the mentioned dates and no bookings from other sources.
  4. eRes: change your inventory to send the allotment you have guaranteed Expedia (e.g. by removing bookings from other sources).
  5. Expedia: Ask Expedia to remove the guaranteed allotment.
2.10  The value of attribute 'password' on element 'Authentication' is not valid with respect to its type
  1.  The password is empty or contains invalid characters. Check the username and password entered in the ADS settings is correct.
2.11 RateId XXX is invalid, rate plan should be active, inactive, or staged or Rate not active
  1. You can only update IDs which is found on the rooms and rates mapping CSV from Expedia Extranet and compare to what has been mapped on the ADS Settings. The Rate plan IDs have to be used exactly as shown there.
2.12 Non-existent rate plan and rate level pair provided
  1. You can only update IDs which is found on the rooms and rates mapping CSV from Expedia Extranet and compare to what has been mapped on ADS Settings. The Rate plan IDs have to be used exactly as shown there.
2.13 Inactive rate plan for restriction or rate updated
  1. You are sending a wrong Rate plan id. Check your Rate plan ids in in the rooms and rates mapping CSV from Expedia Extranet and compare to what has been mapped on the ADS Settings. The Rate plan IDs have to be used exactly as shown there.
2.14 MinLOS value (x) exceeds Extranet auto-approval threshold (y) for length of stay
  1. The minimum booking length you are sending is higher than Expedia allows. Contact Expedia and ask them to increase your minimum stay.
2.15 The value of attribute 'username' on element 'Authentication' is not valid with respect to its type
  1.  The username/and or password you entered is wrong enter your Expedia Quick connect username and password provided by Expedia - EQCeResMaster (NOT your normal Expedia username and password).
2.16 LOS restriction conflict - Min Nights Greater Than Max Nights
  1. Expedia is not accepting the minimum stay you are sending because you have a maximum stay in your Expedia Extranet which is lower than the minimum stay you are sending. You have 2 options fix this:

1. Log into your Expedia Extranet and raise or remove the maximum stay.

2. Set the "Maximum Stay" in the rates you are sending to Expedia to 28 or lower.

2.17 Access denied
  1. If you receive this error message only once most likely Expedia was doing temporary maintenance. If you repeatedly receive this message check:
    1. in the Expedia Extranet that the connection has been requested.
    2. The Expedia hotel id you have entered is correct. Check if hotel ID is linked to eRes Hospitality Technology International.
2.18 Currency code is invalid - Currency for xxx is not the same as the database value
  1. The currency you are sending is not the currency required by Expedia. Change the setting for "Currency" to the currency Expedia requires. If required you can add a multiplier for conversion.
2.19 Internal system error, please try again in a few minutes
  1. Expedia sends you this message to inform you that they are having problems with their system. If the error messages stopped Expedia fixed the problem.
2.20 The requested resource is not available
  1.  Expedia sends you this message to inform you that they are having problems with their system. If the error messages stopped Expedia fixed the problem.
2.21 Net rate must be within Rate Verification threshold
  1. Expedia thinks the price is either too high or too low. Please check your prices. If you think they are correct contact Expedia and ask them to remove the limitation.
2.22 Inventory date 201x-xx-xx; Room Type ID xxxxxx; Rate Plan ID xxxxxx ; Inactive Rate Plan
  1. You are trying to update an inactive rate plan. You can only map rate plans which are available on the rooms and rates mapping CSV from Expedia Extranet and compare to what has been mapped on ADS Settings. The rate plan IDs have to be used exactly as shown there.
2.23 Rate Plan ID XXXXXXX  Occupancy X; Occupancy exceeds maximum allowed value
  1. You are trying to send a price for a number of guests which is higher than the number of guests Expedia has the room set for. Adjust the maximum number of guests to be the same in eRes and Expedia and if required adjust your prices.
2.24 Length of stay has to be provided for the Rate Plans with LOS enabled
  1. Expedia rate plans with with LOS (length of stay) enabled are not supported. Please ask Expedia to change your rate plans.

2.25 Room Type ID 1231234234; Rate Plan ID 1231234234; Occupancy x; Occupancy exceeds maximum Room Type Person Count Y


Occupancy exceeds maximum Room Type Person Count

  1. You are trying to send a price for a higher occupancy than what the room is set up in Expedia for. Please correct the maximum number of guests either in Expedia or in eRes.
2.26 No currency mapping for: 'XXX, please check GDS Code Mapping
  1. There is no GDS code assigned to the currency code built on NebulaCRS -> Rates -> Currency or on eRes under System Administration -> Currency and Edit the currency in question.
2.27 Reservation already has a status of Cancelled
  1. The reservation was canceled on eRes prior to the booking being canceled on Expedia.
2.28  Authentication error: invalid username or password 
<Error code="1001">Authentication error: invalid username or password. Ref=[dda6d2d5-6527-4817-bb10-6c2bdfc85f88]</Error>
  1. This error is caused by an incorrect username and password being present in the configuration in eRes for Expedia. This interface should be disabled, by navigating to the eRes ADS configuration, until the correct credentials are received.
  2. Check the Expedia hotel id you have entered is correct.  Check if hotel ID is linked to eRes Hospitality Technology International.
2.29  Error Code=3015 RoomTypeId is invalid 

<Error code="3015">RoomTypeId 250065756 is invalid, room type should be active, inactive, or staged. Ref=[0ed90d0f-8a2f-46f2-85dd-7c9f4587cfe6]</Error>
  1. This error refers to the Room Type not being valid, should this Room Type not exist on Expedia please remove the mapping.
2.30 Error Code=3202 Hotel ID not found

<Error code="3202">Hotel ID not found. You either specified an invalid hotel ID or your account is not linked to this hotel. Ref=[fbfa969d-18a5-4c02-866d-8f9d4abfb48e]</Error> 
  1. The Property should be configured on Expedia or linked to the correct Group and User on the Extranet. 
  1. Alternatively this Property should be un-mapped on eRes.
2.31 Error Code=3142 Sell Rates are expected for Agency or Flex rate plan
<Error code="3142">Sell Rates are expected for Agency or Flex rate plans, when hotel level rate acquisition is Sell Rate. Hotel Id: 22177640, Rate Plan Id: 212307078. Ref=[8d1e92c9-e44e-40c8-97ef-4866047854a2]</Error>  
  1. The rate codes are the wrong Sell or Net Rate type. Please check on Expedia whether your rate codes should have an A at the end of the number or not. The rate plan ID's have to be used exactly as shown on Expedia.

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