How do I override a Rate in Apex?

How do I override a Rate in Apex?

In order to override a Rate in Apex please follow the below steps:

1. Control Menu
  1. Open the reservation that requires the rate to be overridden and select the "Control Menu" button. Under "Rate Options" select the "Override Rate" button.
  1. Please note Supervisor Authorisation is required to perform this action and these details need to be completed. The new rate window will appear, proceed to enter the new rate amount and select "OK". 
Please note this is the nightly rate for all guests staying in the room. 

  1. When overriding a rate on a reservation with multiple Inventory lines, the rate will automatically divide between the total amount of rooms booked .i.e. if the new rate is R5000 and 3 rooms booked (for the 3 inventory lines) the rate will calculate at R1666.67 per room per night. 

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