How do I overrride a Rate Code or Rate Amount in NebulaPMS?

How do I overrride a Rate Code or Rate Amount in NebulaPMS?

To override a Rate Code or Rate Amount on an itinerary supervisor rights are required.
Please Note:
  1. Rate Codes or Rate amounts cannot be overridden on past dated reservations, only on current or future dated reservations. 
  2. Accommodation would have already been posted for the past nights, thus you will need to adjust the accommodation on the invoice and charge the correct amounts.
1. Rate Code
To change a Rate Code on a reservation itinerary follow the below steps:
  1. Click on an itinerary line and then click on "Override rate" button.
  2. Once you have clicked on Override Rate supervisor authorization is required.
  3. If all nights need to be changed, tick the "Apply to entire stay on this itinerary" setting.
  4. If all nights and rooms need to be changed, tick the "Apply to entire stay on this itinerary" and "Apply to all itineraries of this reservation" settings.
  5. Click on the Rate code which needs to be changed, and then the magnifying glass.
  6. A lookup box will appear displaying the rate code and the rate amounts.
  7. Select the new rate code that needs to be associated with the reservation in question.
  8. Check that the rate code and amounts are correct and close the window.
  9. The rate code has now been changed.
2. Rate Amounts
To change a Rate Amount on an itinerary follow the below steps:
  1. Click on an itinerary line and then click on the "Override rate" button.
  2. Once you have clicked on Override Rate supervisor authorization is required.
  3. If all nights need to be changed, tick the "Apply to entire stay on this itinerary" setting.
  4. If all nights and rooms need to be changed, tick the "Apply to entire stay on this itinerary" and "Apply to all itineraries of this reservation" setting.
  5. Click on the Per Unit, Single Per Person, Sharing Per Person, Extra Adult, Kids 1, Kids 2, or Kids 3 field and change the rate. The Full rate will calculate automatically.
  6. Once you have updated the rate amounts, close the Window. The rate amounts will now have been changed.
3. Rate Code and Rate Amounts
To override the Rate Code as well as the Rate Amounts first override the Rate code and then the Rate amounts, as seen above.

Overriding a particular night
If you wish to only override the rate for a particular night, for example the last night of the stay to a complimentary rate or a discounted rate amount.
  1. Once you have selected the "Override rate" button, go to the night you wish to change and only update that night's rate code or rate amount.
Please Note when overriding rate amounts
  1. If the Rate Code used is linked to another Rate Code for example, the STO30 Rate code is linked to Rack (30% off rack). Enter the full amount inclusive of the 30%, the system will then calculate the Full rate by taking off 30%. For example the Rate amount is 1700.00, the full rate amount is 1105.00 (1700 less 30%). The new full rate needs to be 975.00 the rate amount entered will be 1500.00.
  2. If a Rate Amount is entered in the sharing per person field or extra adult field and there is only 1 pax, the system will ignore this and remove the amount entered. The pax will need to be corrected on the itinerary prior to overriding the rate amount.
  3. If the Single rate is entered and there is more than 1 pax, the system will ignore the amount entered and remove it. The pax will need to be corrected on the itinerary prior to overriding the rate amount.
  4. If there are no children on the itinerary line, the system will ignore the children's rate if entered and remove it. The pax will need to be corrected on the itinerary prior to overriding the rate amount.

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