How do I Roll Rates forward in NebulaCRS?

How do I Roll Rates forward in NebulaCRS?

The Roll Rates forward functionality allows the user to update their rates for future periods. 
Base rates, Plan supplements and Room surcharges can be increased or the current amounts rolled to the next period.
The Default demand level can be rolled to future dates as well.
1. Roll Rate Period
To Roll the rates forward follow the below steps:
  1. Select Rates Tab.
  2. Select Roll Rates Forward.
  3. Select the Property/s that require the rates to be updated for future use.
  4. Select the Base Rate code/s that needs to be rolled forward.
  5. Enter the Base rates, plan supplements, room surcharges percentage amount that will be increased. Leave a 0 if the rates are remaining the same.
  6. Period: Current Period +1 (update the next year) or Current period +2 ( update two years from the current year).
  7. Select whether to update the rate if it exists or skip it.
  8. Click on "Roll rates" to add the increase to the base rates.
  9. Under the "Last Run" section it will specify if the Roll rates have been completed successfully.
  10. Navigate to the Base rates tab, you will note the rates have been increased when selecting the next year.
  11. Next the user can Override any rate amounts if necessary.
  12. Navigate to the Demand Calendar and Paint the demand calendar for the new period.
  13. Lastly, Publish the rates.

Please Note
  1. If the Rate amounts were overridden on the Room categories, these will not be updated by the Roll forward. They will need to be updated manually.
  2. If a Base rate code is selected which does not belong to the property an error will display under last run. Go back and select the correct Rate code and roll the rate.
  3. If your property has a mix of unit rates and per person rates on the same Rate code, both options will be rolled forward. You will need to go back and change the option on the Room category to per person or per unit.
2. Roll Demand Calendar
To Roll the Demand calendar follow the below steps:
  1. Select the Property/s.
  2. Select the Base Rate Code/s that needs to be rolled forward.
  3. Specify the start and end date of the Demand calendar.
  4. Under the "Last Run" section it will display that the Demand calendar has status done.
  5. Navigate to the Demand calendar for the following year and update the remaining levels as necessary.
  6. Lastly, Publish the rates.
Please Note
  1. A Default level must be selected under the Base rate options in order for the period to be rolled forward.
  2. Only the Default Level will be rolled for all future dates. You will need to update the other levels as normal on the Demand calendar.
  3. if you select the current period dates, the Demand level will be updated to the default Demand level.

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