How do I set a Maximum length of stay on NebulaPMS?
A maximum length of stay is the maximum number of nights a guest can book.
Please note
- The Restriction will only be applicable to the Rate Code on the PMS and not to any channels or central reservation system.
- The Rate Code which has been assigned to the restriction will not be bookable or overridden to if the maximum number of nights have been exceeded.
- If there are multiple itineraries or multiple properties assigned to the reservation this only applies to each itinerary line and not a combination.
1. Maximum Length of Stay
- Navigate to Settings -> Rates -> Restrictions.
- Select Maximum Length of Stay from the drop down.
- Click on "Add"
- Specify the Rate Code.
- Specify the From Date.
- Specify the To Date.
- Specify the number of days which should be satisfied.
- Optional - Restrictions - tick the properties this restriction is not applicable to.
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