How do I setup Agent Commission in Apex?
In order to add Commission to a Agent/Debtor the below steps need to be followed:
1. Debtors Master
- Navigate to Masters -> Debtors/Agent Masters.
- Next search for the Debtors Master that will receive commission. After the master has been selected click on the "Commission" tab.
- Click on the "Change" button, the user can now decide whether to add a flat amount per stay per room or a commission percentage. Percentage is usually the popular method of calculating commission.
- Should Meal Plans, Requests and Transfers be commissionable it can be indicated by activating the tick boxes.
- Remember to click on the "Save" button to save the changes.
2. Reservations
- Should a reservation be made and the Debtors Master be linked to the reservation, calculated commission will display once the reservation has been checked in and the End of Day has taken place.
- To see the calculated commission amount on the reservation click on the "Info" tab and scroll to the bottom of your screen.
- The commission will be displayed on the Debtors master statement once the reservation has been settled with a Debtors payment, checked out and when End of Day has taken place.
3. Debtors Master Statement
- The Commission will be displayed on its own line item on the Statement beneath the invoice amount closed off to the Debtor.
- Lastly, the Accounts Department/Administrator can then move the commission line item to the same line item as the invoice, to ensure that the commission due is deducted from the invoice amount.