How do I transfer charges to a single folio in Apex?
In order to transfer charges onto a single folio or invoice in Apex the below steps should be followed:
- Access the folio where the charges need to be transferred from by using the Room Rack or Room Chart menus.
- Once the folio is open click on the "Invoice" tab and click on the charge to select it, it will be highlighted in green.
- Click on the "Transfer" button, the "Select Reservation" window will automatically open, next you need to search for the folio where the selected charge has to be transferred to.
- When the folio has been located, you can either double click on the folio or select the folio and click on the "Select Reservation" button.
- The charge will now have transferred to the new folio. Please note that a transferred charge will be flagged with the letter T.
2. Charge Routing
- Charge Routing is mostly used by group bookings. Charge Routing is done when specific charges on a guest folio are to be settled by another guest/master account. For example, if a group is staying at a hotel for a conference, all the Conference package charges will be routed to the Company Master Account, to be settled by the company.
- To do charge routing open the reservation and select the "Control Menu", then click the "Charge Routing" button, this will open the Routing menu.
- Select the receiving folio, the folio that should receive the charges, from the list when clicking on the lookup button.
- The folios sending the charges/payments need to be ticked in the boxes next to the folio names. Select the charge codes and payment codes to be routed to the receiving folio by ticking the boxes.
- Click on the "Save" button to save charge routing changes made. The charges will now automatically be sent to the receiving folio.