How do I update Selling Prices on Stock and Non-Stock Sales items in PlusCentral?
1. Stock Items
- In order to update Selling prices on Stock Items, navigate to Administration -> Stock Administration -> Stock Items.
- To change the Selling price on a Stock Item select the "Change" button and thereafter the
- Once selected the system will prompt the user for a Supervisor Code and password, after the details have been entered select the "Ok" button.
- Enter the new Selling price and remember to select the "Save" button once complete.
2. Non-Stock Sales Items
- In order to update Selling prices on Non-Stock Sales Items, navigate to Administration -> Point of Sale Administration -> Non-Stock Sales Items.
- There are two options when changing Non-Stock Sales Items prices, the first is to select the "Quick Edit" button.
- Once selected the system will prompt the user for a Supervisor Code and password, after the details have been entered select the "Ok" button.
- The user can now search for the Item by entering the Item name in the filter field. Alternatively, should a lot of Items need to be updated the user can select the Group or Category belonging to these specific items.
- To edit the Selling price simply click in the "Sell" field and enter the new price, once the items have been updated click on the "Close" button.
- The second option is to select the "Change" button and thereafter the
- Once selected the system will prompt the user for a Supervisor Code and password, after the details have been entered select the "Ok" button.
- Enter the new Selling price and remember to select the "Save" button once complete.
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