How to add a Charge Code in Apex
To Add a Charge code follow the below steps:
1. Charge Codes
- Navigate to Administration -> Front Office Codes -> Charge Codes.
- Click on the Add button
- Enter the Code, for example, CURI, the Charge Code must not be spaced or have any special characters, such as @#$%^&*
- Enter the Charge Code name, for instance, Curio Sales.
- You do not necessarily have to put an amount for the charge, this can be done when the charge is selected.
- Navigate to Grouping and assign the revenue grouping you would like to see the Curio Sales. This might be Extra1, Extra2 or Extra3
- Click on Save.
Please Note
- The New Charge Code will show on the revenue reports after the End of Day
- Reports which are in Apex Repview for past dates will not change, this will only affect the future reports after the change has been made.
- Reports which will be affected are:
- Managers Report.
- Front Office Revenue Report.
- Front Office Department Audit Report.
- And any other reports which show on Revenue and display the revenue groupings such as Forecast reports, Statistics reports.
- Past transactions will remain on the old grouping, only new transactions posted after the grouping has changed will be affected.
Warning: If the Charge code is used with a Point of Sale Interface, this change must only be made before the Point of Sale starts operating and posting to Apex. This change cannot occur during a shift. Once the change has been made on Apex, the Point of Sale interface must be closed completely and reopened
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