How do I create a Revenue Export from Apex?

How do I create a Revenue Export from Apex?

The Apex PMS system will you to export Revenue from the system and allow you to import this into your accounting system.
1. Revenue Export
  1. Always export in.csv format unless specified by property.
  2. The Revenue Export menu is situated under Processing -> Interface -> Revenue Export.
  3. To start the Revenue Export process, click on the export type, for example: Pastel Revenue Export.
  4. Select the folder where the export should drop from the database.
  5. Make sure you export the correct period. The period is the # of the financial month the property is in. Should the user NOT know what the current "period" is click on Administration -> System Defaults and Policies -> System Settings.
  6. Select from dates and to dates for transactions to be exported.
  7. Click on the "Export" button at the bottom of the page to start export.
  8. A Confirmation window will appear prompting the user to select "Yes" to continue with the Revenue Export.
  9. When the export is done, click on the "OK" button, this window will also show the amount of transactions exported.
  10. The .CSV file in the Revenue export folder in the Apex root folder, will automatically be named GLREV (GL Revenue) and followed with the date of transactions included within this export.
2. Debtors Revenue Export
  1. To export Revenue transactions from AR / Debtors, select the Pastel Debtors Export field in the Revenue Export menu.
  2. Select the folder where the export should drop from the database.
  3. Please Note, that the export will overwrite existing dates; the export can be re-exported if required.
  4. Make sure you export the correct period. The period is the # of the financial month the property is in. Should the user NOT know what the current "period" is click on Administration -> System Defaults and Policies -> System Settings.
  5. Select from dates and to dates for transactions to be exported.
  6. Click on the "Export" button at the bottom of the page to start export.
  7. A Confirmation window will appear prompting the user to select "Yes" to continue with the AR Revenue export.
  8. When the export is done, click on the "OK" button, this window will also show the amount of transactions exported.
  9. The .CSV file in the Revenue export folder in the Apex root folder will automatically be named AR (Debtors Revenue) and followed with the date of transactions included within this export.

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