How to do negative Manual Sale on PlusCentral?

How to do negative Manual Sale on PlusCentral?

Manual Sales can be used to reverse POS Sales 

  1. Navigate to Processing -> Stock Processing -> Manual Sales.
  2. Create a Manual Sale by clicking on the "Add" button.  Please make sure that the correct Store and Outlet has been selected, and that the reference "Correction" has been added.
  3. Select "Ok" as normal to create the Manual Sale.
  4. Continue by processing a negative symbol/ minus in front of all the units and quantities of the stock items. Next check that all the stock items are correctly entered. Once you are sure all the details are correct click on "Ok" and then "Commit this Batch".
  5. The stock items would now have been put back into the Store. To confirm this please navigate to Reports-> Stock Reports -> Movement Report and check the store to ensure the items were added back into the store

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