How to edit/delete a Rate Restriction in NebulaCRS?

How to edit/delete a Rate Restriction in NebulaCRS?

1. In order to edit a Rate Restriction follow the below steps:
  1. Log into NebulaCRS
  2. Select the Revenue Tab.
  3. Select Restrictions.
  4. Select the Restriction you wish to edit.
  5. Update the details you wish to change. The date will give a warning if it is a past date, so change this to the current date.
  6. Click on the Save button.
  7. Publish the modified Restriction.

2. In order to delete or remove a Rate Restriction follow the below steps:
  1. Log into NebulaCRS.
  2. Select the Revenue Tab.
  3. Select Restrictions..
  4. Select the Restriction you wish to remove.
  5. Click on the Delete button.
  6. Next select the Save button.
  7. Publish the deleted Restriction.
Please note:
Rate Restrictions created in eRes originally will need to be edited or removed in NebulaCRS.

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