How to Map Property, Rooms and/or Rates to Expedia?

How to Map Property, Rooms and/or Rates to Expedia?

If a new property, room or rate is added or changed on Expedia then the mapping needs to be updated or new mapping needs to be added.
The Expedia ADS channel will have already been added on your eRes instance. If not, please contact you Client Success Team to set it up.

Property, rooms and rates are mapped under ADS settings.
  1. Navigate to Tools -> System Administration.
  2. Select Interfaces -> ADS -> ADS Settings.
  3. Select the Expedia Interface.

Expedia provides a mapping sheet in CSV format, this is either sent to you when changes are made or can be retrieved from the Extranet.

To retrieve the mapping sheet from Expedia follow the below steps:
  1. Log into Expedia Extranet.
  2. Select Rooms and Rates.
  3. Select Room Types and Rate Plans.
  4. Click on button Export CSV

1. Mapping a Property
  1. Navigate to ADS Settings for Expedia.
  2. Select Properties.
  3. Click on Add.
  4. Select the eRes property.
  5. Input the Expedia Hotel ID for the property in the ADS field.
  6. Leave username and password field open - do not complete this.
  7. Click on OK.

Expedia Mapping CSV

2. Mapping Rooms
  1. Navigate to ADS Settings for Expedia.
  2. Select Room Categories.
  3. Click on Add.
  4. Select the eRes property.
  5. Input the eRes Room Category code or use the look up.
    1. To find the Room Category code, navigate to Properties, Select the Property and then the Room type, click on edit, in the field Room category you will see the Room category code and name.
  6. Input the Expedia Room Type ID for the Room category. This Room type on Expedia must be on Active Status.
  7. Click on OK.
  8. If a new room type has been mapped, proceed to map the rate plan/s.

Expedia Mapping CSV

3. Mapping Rates
Expedia maps the Rate Plans per Room category.
  1. Navigate to ADS Settings for Expedia.
  2. Select Rate Codes.
  3. Click on Add.
  4. Select the eRes property.
  5. Select the Room Category.
  6. Input the eRes Rate code or use the look up.
  7. Input the Expedia Rate Plan ID for the rate. This Rate type on Expedia must be on Active Status (Column M, Rate Plan) and should not be derived (Column P, Interfaced).
  8. Default is applicable - leave unticked.
  9. Click on OK.

Expedia CSV Mapping

  1. Only Active rooms and rates should be mapped.
  2. When mapping new items ensure no spaces or other characters are in the code other than what is specified on the sheet.
  3. If the ADS code has been changed, it is recommended to first delete the mapping and then add it back again with the new ADS code, rather than changing the ADS code in the settings.
  4. The mapping is one to one.  It is not possible to map a different eRes rate code to the same room type and ADS code. eRes will give the below error:
    1. "the ADS rate code per room category item could not be saved.
    2. Error:
    3. The selected property, room category and rate code combination already exists for this ADS type. Please rather edit the existing one".
                  For example if ADS code 212444293A is already mapped, then you cannot map another eRes code to that same code.
  1. Be sure you’re not mapping the rate plan for a non-manageable or derived rate plan. A non-manageable rate plan, also known as a derived rate plan, is a rate plan that Expedia calculates.
    1. If the rate plan is derived rate on Expedia, then this should not be mapped, unless there is a rate code on eRes with no rate amounts attached.
    2. If there are rate amounts on eRes and it is derived on Expedia, Expedia respond with errors when receiving rates for this plan.
    3. If you wish to send rate amounts from eRes to the derived rate on Expedia, then this rate should be changed to a standalone rate plan and not a derived rate plan.
  2. If this is a new property being connected, please ensure to select eRes as the channel manager. Your Expedia Account manager will be able to assist you.
  3. If you are on eRes managed services, please contact your Client Success Team who will do the mapping.

Expedia Mapping Sheet Fields Explanation

Mapping your room types and rate plans through a connectivity provider

To map room types and rate plans through Expedia QuickConnect (EQC) or another connectivity provider’s system:

  1. Select Room types and Rate plans under Rooms and Rates in the menu in Partner Central.
  2. Select Export room and rate plan information to download a spreadsheet with all room types, rate plans, and corresponding mapping IDs.
  3. In the spreadsheet, refer to these columns:
    • Rate plan status: Indicates if the rate plan is “Active” for mapping.
    • Expedia Rate Plan ID:
      • Rate plan ID ending with a letter A = Hotel Collect rate plan.
      • Rate plan ID without the letter A = Expedia Collect rate plan.
    • Rate Acquisition Type: Rate type setting in Partner Central, if the rate type is SELL, rates received from connectivity provider will be considered inclusive of compensation.
    • Interface Rates: Indicates if the rate plan should be mapped for rates updates. This column is only relevant to properties using Expedia QuickConnect. (EQC)
      • Yes = Rates are interfaced and manageable via Expedia QuickConnect (EQC). Please complete the mapping.
      • Derived = derived rate and not manageable via Expedia QuickConnect (EQC). Don’t map this rate plan.
    • Interface Bookings: Indicates if the rate plan should be mapped for booking interface. All rate plans must be mapped for booking interface. See notes above.
    • Parent Rate Plan: Indicates if rate plan linkage has been applied. If so, the parent rate plan’s ID should be listed. This usually applied to Derived rate plans, which should not be mapped.
  4. Once mapping is complete, send Expedia Group a full refresh of inventory, rates, and restrictions via your connectivity provider.

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