How to remove a Rate Code on NebulaCRS?

How to remove a Rate Code on NebulaCRS?

Please Note:
  1. A Rate code cannot be deleted when there is history attached to it, it can only be hidden.
  2. If a Rate code is linked to a channel, a Rate Closeout needs to be applied.
  3. Remove the Rate mapping under the ADS settings on eRes and remove the rate on the channel. This is done in order to prevent bookings from being made on this Rate code and failing.
1. To remove a Base Rate Code from a property
  1. Select the Rates Tab.
  2. Select the Hotel Rate Codes button.
  3. Select the Property.
  4. Select the Rate code and untick it.
  5. Proceed to the Publish screen, publish the Rate code, this will then remove the Rate seasons from eRes.
2. To remove a Base Rate Code from all properties and eRes
  1. Select the Rate Tab.
  2. Select the Hotel Rate Codes button.
  3. Select the Property.
  4. Select the Rate code and untick it.
  5. Repeat the above mentioned steps until the Rate is un-selected from all the properties. If you are unsure which properties the Rate is linked to, go to the Reports section on the Rates screen, select "Hotel Rate Codes" and filter by Rate code. This will show all properties linked to that Rate code.
  6. Proceed to the Publish screen and publish the Rate code this will then remove the Rate seasons from eRes.
  7. Once published go to Rate Codes, select the rate code, untick  the show option. The Rate Code is now hidden.

3. To remove a Linked/Derived Rate Code from a property
  1. Select the Rates Tab.
  2. Select the Hotel Rate Codes button.
  3. Select the Property.
  4. Select the Rate Code and untick it.
  5. Repaint the Demand Calendar for the Base rate.
  6. Proceed to the Publish screen, publish the Base Rate Code this will then remove the Rate seasons from eRes for the Linked rate code.
4. To remove a Linked/Derived Rate Code from all properties and eRes
  1. Select the Rates Tab.
  2. Select the Hotel Rate Codes button.
  3. Select the Property.
  4. Select the Rate Code and untick it.
  5. Repaint the Demand Calendar for the Base rate.
  6. Repeat the steps above until the Rate code is un-selected from all the properties. If you are unsure which properties the Rate is linked to, go to the Reports section on the Rates screen, select "Hotel Rate Codes" and filter by Rate code. This will show all properties linked to that Rate code.
  7. Proceed to the Publish screen, publish the Base Rate Code this will then remove the Rate seasons from eRes for the Linked rate code.

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