Levy Percentage Calculation in Apex

Levy Percentage Calculation in Apex

When adding a Levy with a percentage calculation, the calculation will apply as follows:
1. Example
  1. Room Rate amount less, the inclusive distribution amounts, less Tax, less levy percentage.
  2. Rack Rate has a dinner, bed and breakfast distribution amounts.
  3. This Distribution amounts will be as follows 125.00 per person for breakfast and 250.00 per person for dinner.
  4. The Vat amount is 15%.
  1. The Room rate amount will be 1000.00.
  2. Pax will be 2 persons.
  3. VAT 15%.
  4. Levy 1%.
2. Calculation
((1000.00 - (125 x 2 + 250 x 2) ) / 1.15 ) - 1%
(1000 -750) / 1.15 -1%
(250 / 1.15 ) - 1%
217.391 - 1%
= 2.17 Levy
  1. The 2.17 will either be charged as an additional amount on the guest invoice or it will be deducted from room revenue on the distribution account dependent on how the levy is setup.

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