Monthly or Weekly Rates on NebulaPMS

Monthly or Weekly Rates on NebulaPMS

To create Weekly or Monthly rates on NebulaPMS follow the below steps:

1. Rate Codes
Create a rate code for the weekly or Monthly rate:

Navigate to Settings -> Rates -> Rate Codes. To add a new Rate Code click on the "Add" button and complete the below applicable fields:

  1. Code: Enter the Rate Code of your choice.
  2. Description: Enter the Rate Code description for example Rack, STO etc.
  3. Meal Plan: Select the Meal Plan from the drop down list. The Meal Plan distribution amounts will be discussed when entering Rate amounts.
  4. Charge Code: Select the Charge Code from the drop down list, this will be the charge code that will display when accommodation is charged and when rate distribution takes place,  for example, Accommodation.
  5. Distribute Frequency: Select whether to charge accommodation Weekly or Monthly. Weekly and Monthly will charge accommodation only once on the guests invoice for the week or month of the reservation stay.
  6. Linked as: Should a rate be linked to another and then subsequently discounted, the user can select here whether to discount by percentage or amount. If this is not a linked rate leave this field blank.
  7. Linked Amount: Enter the discounted or marked down percentage or amount value, for example -10.
  8. Exclude from Best: When this is setting is active the Rate will not be listed on the Best Available Rate selection when making a reservation.
  9. Web: Future Development.
  10. Complimentary: When activated the Rate will be considered a Complimentary rate.
  11. Confidential:  When activated the Rate will be considered a Confidential rate.
  12. Room Type Charge: When activated the charge department code on the Rates configuration will be ignored and the charge department on the Room Types will be used when charging accommodation on the guests invoices.

Once all the details have been entered click or tab onto the next line to save the newly entered Rate Code.

2. Rate Amounts

The next step is to add the Rate Amounts or values. Navigate to Settings -> Rates -> Rate Amounts. 

Unit or Per Person Rates
    1. The user can define rates as Per Unit/Room or Per Person. Unit rates are charged per unit/room for up to a certain number of guest occupying the Room.
    2. Therefore, a Unit rate could be 2000 per room for up to two adults, in essence this means that if you have two or less adults you will be charged the unit rate. If you have more than two adults you will be charged the unit rate as well as the Extra Adult rate for each extra adult after that.
    3. When using Per Person rates, the Single rate is charged when one guest occupies the room and the Sharing rate is utilised when a room is being shared.
    4. When an extra adult occupies the room the system utilises the "Extra Adult" Rate.

Please note:
Unit Rates and Per Person Rates cannot be utilised on the same Room Type. The user needs to define either a Unit rate or Per Person rate per Room Type.

Adding Rates
  1. To add the Rate Amounts select the Rate Code, Year, Currency and Property from the drop down menus.
  2. Select the Season and enter either a unit or single and sharing per person rate amount. Remember to include the "Up to" pax amounts. To ensure that the amount has been saved or entered successfully, tab to the next line or click in another block.
  3. The Rate amounts should be the amount charged per week or per month
3. Seasons Calendar

Next Navigate to Settings -> Rates -> Seasons Calendar. The Rate Seasons need to be entered to ensure the Rates display when reservations are made, thus it is essential that the seasons exist.

  1. To add a Rate Season select the Year and Property from the drop down menus.
  2. Note that the Calendar already has the Season "Base" selected on all dates by default.
  3. Next select the start date and end date of the new Rate Season on the Calendar, once selected a screen will be displayed where the user can select a Rate Season, either Low, Mid or High. Click on the "Ok" button to save the selection.
  4. The screen will now have been "Painted" with the corresponding Rate Season colour
  5. Remember to select the "Save" button to save the Season, thereafter a "Success" message will be displayed.
4. Meal Plans

Meal Plans are used to configure inclusive amounts on Rates. Navigate to Settings -> Rates -> Meal Plans.

  1. Meal Plans such as Room Only, Bed and Breakfast and Dinner, Bed and Breakfast should already exist.
  2. In order to add each Property's inclusive amounts select the Meal Plan, for example, Bed and Breakfast and click on the "Edit" button.
  3. Next select the distribution for example "Breakfast" from the drop down list.
  4. Click on the "Add" button next to the drop down list and enter the new distribution settings. Select the Property and the distribution charge code that will be used to charge breakfast.
  5. This code will exist under charge codes and can be selected from the drop down list. The user can select "Food" or "Breakfast" as an example.
  6. Next specify when the distribution for this charge department code should take place by ticking either "Distribute on Arrival or Stay over". For Breakfast and Dinner we select distribution to take place on Arrival and Stay over.

Reservations with Weekly or Monthly Rates assigned:
Reservations can be made on the Availability Chart or Room Chart select the dates of stay for the weeks or months.
Select the weekly or monthly rate code applicable.
The rate breakdown for the weekly rate will display the rate amount for the week starting from the start date and then again for every 7 days from the start date, the nights inbetween will charge 0.00 amount
The rate breakdown for the monthly rate will display the rate amount for the month starting from the start date and then again for every 30 days from the start date, the nights inbetween will charge 0.00 amount

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