Zoho Number | Module | Version | Description | Zoho Desk Number |
CRS-I2748 | eRes | 2024.4.7752 | Disable ability to create, edit and delete inventories in eRes Users will no longer be able to Add, Edit or Delete inventories if Call Centre is enabled. | N/A |
CRS-I2698 | eRes | 2024.4.7713 | Apex reservation lock Reservation financial / itinerary change will no longer be allowed if reservation has been locked by Apex PMS. When accessing a reservation in eRes which has been locked via OTA_PMS the warning now appears to notify the user that it as locked via the PMS | N/A |
CRS-I2731 | Interface | 2024.4.7697 | Direct PMS Interface Rate uploads with where Rate category does not exist in CRS 1) if rate code and rate group code sent in the rate upload are both new / do not exist: The system created both the rate code and rate group code 2) if rate code exists but the rate group code sent in the rate upload is new / does not exist: The rate upload no longer fails The system used the existing rate code with the existing rate group code assigned The system created the new rate group code as well, but not linked to any rate code 3) if only a new rate code is sent and no MarketCode attribute is sent in the rate upload: The system created the new rate code and assigned the 'Rack' (ID 1) rate group | N/A |
CRS-I2772 | Call Center | 2024.4.7743 | Rename Start New to Next on start reservation screen | N/A |
CRS-I2712 | BookNow 2.0 | 2024.4.7743 | Agent contacts able to view Bookings Added ability to view bookings for logged in Agent. These can be filtered by active or past bookings, as well as the ability to view other contact's bookings. | N/A |
CRS-I2733 | BookNow 2.0 | 2024.4.7743 | Display currencies for those without symbols Changed the logic to display the currency code built if ISO code not used. | N/A |
CRS-I2773 | BookNow 2.0 | 2024.4.7743 | Display Room Unavailable for rooms which have no availability Room Types which have been closed, have zero availability will still display, however will now show as no availability. | N/A |
CRS-I2678 | BookNow 2.0 | 2024.4.7743 | Additional Content Manager Settings Added option to hide on the Guest details page:-ID number -Where did you hear about us Added Site specific settings:-Show Loyalty login -Show Agent login -Default Country -Default Title -Agent login required | N/A |
CRS-I2679 | BookNow 2.0 | 2024.4.7743 | Added headings for all drop down fields | N/A |
CRS-I2681 | BookNow 2.0 | 2024.4.7743 | Room sort order sequencing Added ability to specify Inventory sequence in the Content Manager that will influence the display position of the inventory in BookNow 2.0. Inventory with the same sequence will be sorted by rate, ascending. Note - This is separate from the Nebula CRS sequence field which controls the sequence of inventory in Call Center | N/A |
CRS-I2711 | BookNow 2.0 | 2024.4.7743 | Guest History per Agent or Corporate Profile Agent Contact login can now save profiles which will be linked to their Agent or Corporate Profile during the reservation process.These profiles can then be retrieved when clicking on the search Icon next to the Surname guest input. Guest profiles can then be created/updated on the new Guest Profiles and agent menu option. Note - If an existing profile was selected changes will be saved to the booking but the selected profile will not be updated. We do not do any profile matching during the reservation save thus they can not be updated. - Loyalty profiles can not be saved or linked to an agent contact. | N/A |
CRS-I2714 | BookNow 2.0 | 2024.4.7743 | Rate code descriptions Hotel Specific Added ability to specify a RateCode description per hotel.The screen will display the description the guest will see for that Rate Code. If a client wants a different description for a Rate Code, they then select a Hotel, change the description and save. Booknow will then display that description for that Rate Code for that Property | N/A |
CRS-I2737 | BookNow 2.0 | 2024.4.7743 | Add WYSIWIG editor in Content Manager to cater for hyperlinks Highlighted text can now be converted to a link when clicking the Set Link button | N/A |
CRS-I2708 | BookNow 2.0 | 2024.4.7743 | Display Hotel Full and Alternate properties BookNow 2.0 will now display unavailable hotels with the ability to contact the hotel directly by means of the Contact Us Url. Contact Us URL added to the Site page of the Content Manager, if left blank it will utilise the web address on the property defined in Nebula CRS. If searching for a specific Hotel and it is not available Nebula CRS configured Alternative Properties will be displayed. Added a Home Page Url to the Content Manager, if populated will display a HOME link in the page header | N/A |
CRS-I2739 | BookNow 2.0 | 2024.4.7743 | Display Unavailable dates on Date picker for individual properties When a single property is selected in the property filter, dates will be crossed out on the date picker if there is no availability for that specific property. | N/A |
CRS-I2828 | Call Center | 2024.4.7840 | Large Group filtering Setting Call Center will now only display hotels/fetch density when a filter is selected if 'LargeGroup.Enabled' = Y. If no filter is selected, the density chart will be cleared. NebulaCS.UseHotelFilters = 'Y' needs to also be enabled | N/A |
CRS-I2800 | Call Center | 2024.4.7840 | Call center memo and conf memo merge tag formatting Created a custom tool to the Unlayer Template editor called 'Pre Formatted' which will add the content of any merge tag to pre-formatted <pre></pre> html tags. This will allow text that has been formatted by new lines or carriage returns like memos to display as is in html. The custom tool also has the ability to specify the text colour, size and font. Instead of using custom tool, below can be added to html tool: <pre style="font-family: inherit;font-size: inherit;color: inherit;"> {mergeTag} </pre> | N/A |
CRS-I2776 | Call Center | 2024.4.7803 | Reset password prompt Call Center now support the changing of passwords when they expire as well as the ability to display to the user the relevant password restrictions. | N/A |
CRS-I1850 | Call Center | 2024.4.7803 | Working on reservation display At the top of the availability chart a user is working on a reservation- display reservation status colour, reservation number and reservation name. | N/A |
CRS-I2762 | Call Center | 2024.4.7803 | Display Reservation Lock warning from PMS Added logic to display a message and disable certain fields when a reservation is locked by the PMS. LockType = 2. Guest profile, notes and memo changes will still be allowed. Some interface like OXI will make a reservation as ClosedOff = 1. This will not allow any changes to the booking | N/A |
CRS-I2786 | Nebula Admin | 2024.4.7762 | Export button Email history Added export button email history on NebulaCRS | N/A |
CRS-I2787 | Interface | 2024.4.7762 | NebulaPAY Reference Payment reference sent to the payment switch will now be the {reservation#}-{15 random numbers and characters upper and lower case} eg. 4659-Gsa5OJmbKXl2lf6 in order to improve payment reconcillation with Payment Gateway | N/A |
CRS-I2797 | Interface | 2024.4.7779 | Define Default Rate code for services Add ability to specify system default Rate Code id. This will allow eRes API to respond with service rates not linked to RateCode ID 1. Use setting "DefaultRateCodeID". | #188686 |
CRS-I2837 | eRes & Call Center | 2024.4.7860 | Change PMSLock to warning Changed the logic of PMS locked reservations from blocking changes to applying changes and showing the error message as a warning message | #192897 |
Zoho Number | Module | Version | Description | Zoho Desk Number |
CRS-I2775 | Call Center | 2024.4.7756 | Firebase Availability Upload Exceed Deadline Added logic to retry FirestoreAvailablityUpdate job specifically if it fails for any reason. The job will retry 5 times. This feature must be enabled with the setting 'FirestoreAvailabilityRetryJobs.Enabled' with the value 'Y'. | N/A |
CRS-I2753 | Report | 2024.4.7691 | Day Sheet (Detailed) Report does not show the memo's for the some reservations Fixed issue where memo did not show if there were more than 1 itineraries arriving at different properties. | #185945 |
CRS-I2764 | Report | 2024.4.7695 | Missing agent profile details on pdf template Fixed issue where PDF template was not returning agent details if the agent is created in NebulaCRS due to the field ''Display Client Details on Voucher' being saved as Null instead of True or False. | #185945 |
CRS-I2768 | Interface | 2024.4.7713 | Agoda Nebula - Incorrect rate and pax breakdown on multi-itinerary reservations Fixed issue where rate and pax calculations for multi room reservation were incorrect | N/A |
CRS-I2767 | Interface | 2024.4.7713 | Agoda Nebula - Sending multiple property emails Made a change to the reservation service in order to prevent the email from sending when the reservation wasn't actually saved. | N/A |
CRS-I2718 | Nebula Admin | 2024.4.7688 | NebulaCRS Interface License Check License checks to Nebula property/hotel new and edit to prevent the license limit for PMS to be exceeded. License checks to Nebula channel connection new and edit to prevent the license limit for channel types from being exceeded. | N/A |
CRS-I2754 | Call Center | 2024.4.7743 | Display PMS availability updates and inventory closeouts and limits Fixed issue where PMS availability and Inventory Closeout did not display when rate uploads are disabled. | N/A |
CRS-I2760 | Call Center | 2024.4.7743 | Hidden Properties displaying on search NebulaCRS will now trigger an re-upload of Hotel Suggestions to firestore if a Hotel's Show, Area and Location fields change. A re-login of Call Center is required to see the changes to suggestions | N/A |
CRS-I2794 | Call Center | 2024.4.7776 | Voucher number disappearing Fixed issue where amending the voucher no was not seen as a change by reservation save logic causing no changes to be saved | #188728 |
CRS-I2757 | Nebula Admin | 2024.4.7854 | Add property show check to NebulaCRS License validation Added the show check to Nebula property update to enforce license limits when changing hidden properties to visible | N/A |
CRS-I2790 | Call Center | 2024.4.7776 | Issue when posting deposit on past reservation Fixed issue where background logic that fetches reservations when posting deposits of committing changes could not fetch past bookings. | #188314 |
CRS-I2795 | Interface | 2024.4.7782 | Booking.com Nebula - OBP incorrect for unit type rates The UpToPax calculations for the unit rates are now reflecting correctly on the OBP rate uploads to Booking.com for 3rd and 4th Person Rates | #187559 |