NebulaCRS 2025.1

NebulaCRS 2025.1

New Features/Changes

Zoho NumberModuleVersionDescriptionZoho Desk Number
CRS-I2784Call Center2025.1.7863New Merge Tags for Booknow 2.0 Payment redirect
Added merge tags, {{payNowUrl_Due2}} and {{payNowUrl_Outstanding2}} that will redirect to Book Now 2.0
CRS-I2608BookNow 2.02025.1.7886Property/room image ordering, multiple image upload and URL upload
Added ability to order images by drag 'n drop. The order will be saved upon closing the Manage Images dialog. Added ability to upload multiple images when using the upload image button. A progress bar will display the upload progress.Added the ability to upload an image via URL with the new Url Upload option. Only allows jpeg/jpg/png images. The Url has to be publicly accessible.
CRS-I2824Admin2025.1.7896Total Units on NebulaCRS Closeout screen differs from built units
The new Setting does not exist but can be added, name 'InventoryCloseView.Show.BuiltUnits' and value 'Y'
Once this setting is set to 'Y' the Units will display the Units as built on the Inventory
CRS-I2401Call Center2025.1.7971Call Center UI updated
Call Center UI has been updated.
User logged in and Log out button moved to bottom left of screen.
CRS-I2601BookNow 2.02025.1.7971Cancel and Deposit Policies to display per offer
Added Deposit Policy and Cancellation Policy per Rate Code.
If there is no valid cancellation or deposit policy, they will not be displayed.
CRS-I2801Call Center2025.1.7971Guest Profile Management and Guest memo's added
Change NebulaCRS to allow the ability to select profiles and that profile will be linked to the booking instead of a new profile created with info duplicated. Added the ability to add multiple notes on a guest profile. Added the ability to manage guest profiles. Note - all profiles created by system other than Call Centre will be hidden by default. Only newly created profiles will be viewable. This should prevent 1000s of duplicate profiles being added to the system. Deleting a profile will only hide the profile.
Added ability to filter for hidden profiles as well as hide/show profiles. Note - if a profile is hidden by unticking the Show flag it will still display in the search results until refresh/filtered.
CRS-I2796Interfaces2025.1.8000Implement markup removal for NebulaCRS PMS interfaces
Added the markup remove logic to the Nebula PMS framework. Markups are removed when the reservation is delivered to Nebula PMS interfaces such as SiteConnect and DirectPMS
CRS-I2793Interfaces2025.1.8000Nebula Interfaces - Allow corporate type profiles to be set on interface configuration
Added the ability to select any agent type when adding an Agent profile to channel settings. Also implemented a framework check for parsing reservations and adding an agent, company, or wholesaler.
CRS-I2831Interfaces2025.1.8000eRes Expedia interface to look at the max adult value when calculating occupancy based pricing
The interface is previously used the max pax value to calculate the occupancy based pricing, it now uses the max adult value.
CRS-I2850BookNow 2.02025.1.8005Single Property Sites
Added booknow script parameter, 'singleProperty'. If true the first hotel linked to the site (there should only be 1) will be displayed as the "landing page" for booknow. All pages and search results should redirect back to that Hotel's Detail page. "Where" in search bar has been removed.

Defects Resolved

Zoho NumberModuleVersionDescriptionZoho Desk Number
CRS-I2842Call Center2025.1.7862Error when opening reservation
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'servicesIncl')
Fixed issue if reservation service currency differs from itinerary currency call center will open the reservation.
CRS-I2830Admin2025.1.7886Revenue Publish Error due to blank parameter in restriction
Additional validation checks added to prevent the restriction and 'or option' restriction from being saved with no parameter specified. This applies to any type/combination of types of restrictions.
CRS-I2791Interface2025.1.7978ConnectPush - Added logic to interface default agent for corporates
There was an issue in ConnectPush which only applied the correct agent type when the 'AlwaysUseAgent' option was selected, changed it to now also check even if 'AlwaysUseAgent' is not selected.
CRS-I2867Interface2025.1.8000Agoda Nebula - Incorrect pax breakdown for multi itinerary reservations
For various multi-itinerary reservations with different pax counts, these are now saving correctly with the expected pax breakdown.
CRS-I2869Interface2025.1.8000Agoda eRes - Reservation modification error
Resolved an issue where reservation some modifications sent through the Agoda eRes interface failed to process correctly. Error logged "Agoda: Index 3 out of bounds for length 3"
CRS-I2859Interface2025.1.8000Hotelbeds reservation saving error
Fixed issue where notes field was longer than 500 characters, reservation could not be saved. Notes field will now be trunacted for all Nebula interfaces
CRS-I2858Interface2025.1.8000Expedia error on reservation creation
Some reservations failed due to the booking ID exceeding the defined limit. Expedia recently extended the length of their reservation number field, causing failures for certain bookings.
To resolve this, a change was made to support the larger IDs sent by Expedia. Previously, the field was defined as a 32-bit Integer with a maximum limit of 2,147,483,647. We have now updated it to a 64-bit Long data type, increasing the limit to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807, ensuring compatibility with Expedia's new reservation numbers.
#198684, #198685, #197969, #197074, #197375, #198634, #198332, #196608
CRS-I2862Call Center2025.1.8000Rates were not loading for properties with published rates due to the deletion of Currency ID 1 from the system.
Nebula has been updated to use the Default Currency instead of relying on Currency ID 1, ensuring rates load correctly

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