Nebula POS Revenue/ Payments did not Distribute in NebulaPMS

Nebula POS Revenue/ Payments did not Distribute in NebulaPMS

In order for the distribution amounts to be added to Nebula PMS the below steps need to be followed:
1. Outlet Analysis Report
  1. Navigate to NebulaPOS -> Point of Sale Reports -> Outlet Analysis Report. Select the dates the distribution did not take place. The report will populate Revenue per Outlet, per Shift, per revenue group for the dates specified. For example:
    1. Bar Beverage: R57.00
    2. Bar Food: R25.00
    3. Tips: R10.00
    4. Total = R92.00
2. Distribution Account
  1. Open NebulaPMS and navigate to the Distribution Account by using the "Reservation Look-up"  options under the Reception or Reservations Menu. Once the distribution account has been accessed please confirm that the F&B revenue did not, in fact, distribute to NebulaPMS, these transactions should be listed at the bottom of the "Invoice" tab.
  1. To add the distribution to the account the Main Department code needs to be adjusted, as in our example above the "Bar" needs to be adjusted by R92.00 To accomplish this click on the "Adjust" button and select the code "Bar", complete the details and enter the amount R92.00 The distribution account will now reflect a negative amount:
  1. BAR: -R92.00
  1. Next the other codes need to be charged to balance the account. Click on the "Charge" button and select the code for example "Bar Beverage", complete the details and enter the amount R57.00
  1. After all the charge codes have been added the distribution account will reflect as seen below:
  1. BAR: -R92.00
  2. Bar Beverage: R57.00
  3. Bar Food: R25.00
  4. Tips: R10.00
  5. Total: R0.00
3. Cash Account
  1. Open Nebula PMS and navigate to the Cash Account by using the "Reservation Look-up" options under the Reception or Reservations Menu. Please confirm that the F&B revenue did not, in fact, distribute to NebulaPMS, these transactions should be listed at the bottom of the "Invoice" tab.
  1. To add the distribution to the account the Main Department code needs to be charged, as in our previous example above the "Bar" was adjusted,  the charge will then counter the adjustment on the NebulaPMS Reports.  
  1. In this example a Cash payment of R40.00 and Visa Card payment of R52.00 were made but never distributed to NebulaPMS.
  1. To fix this click on the "Charge" button and select the code "Bar", complete the details and enter the amount R92.00 The distribution account will now reflect the charged amount:
  1. BAR: R92.00
  1. Next the payments need to be added to balance the account. Click on the "Pay" button and select the code for example "Cash", complete the details and enter the amount R40.00
  1. After all the payments have been added the distribution account will reflect as seen below:
  1. BAR: R92.00
  2. Cash: -R40.00
  3. Visa Card: -R52.00
  4. Total: R0.00
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