Payment on Debtors statement has affected my current balance and not 30, 60, 90 or 120+ days balance
On the Debtor's statement, there is an Ageing Date and Posted Date.
When a transaction is posted this will attach a posted date and an ageing date.
To move the payment from the current balance to 30, 60, 90 or 120+ days balance, the ageing date on the transaction needs to be changed.
The ageing date can be changed to the date of the invoice, this will then move the balance from current to the correct ageing period balance.
1. Change the Ageing date
On Apex there are two ways to change the ageing date.
Option 1
- Click on the transaction line item and then click on the "Edit" button.
- Select the date you want to change to.
- The ageing date has now been changed.
Option 2
- Click on the transaction line item and then right-click and select on the "Edit" button.
- Select the date you want to change to.
- The ageing date has now been changed.
The posted date will always remain the same and cannot be changed.