What effect does Purge Zero have on my Debtors Statement?

What effect does Purge Zero have on my Debtors Statement?

1. Purging Accounts
  1. Purging of zero line transactions needs to approached with caution as these transactions/items will no longer appear on the Debtors statement once the purge has been done. 
  1. It is advisable to make a backup first before doing the purge and print the necessary statements.
  1. Only line items with a zero balance can be purged, these transactions are effectively removed from the Statement as they have already been settled and are no longer required to be displayed on the statements.
  1. Once the transactions have been purged they can reported on by utilising the Debtors Department Audit Report. To access the report click on Reports -> Debtors Reports -> Debtors Department Audit Report.
  1. The report can be filtered by date range but please ensure the "Report on purged transactions not live transactions" setting has been activated.
Please note
  1. Should line items/transactions be settled (paid) on the current Apex system date they cannot be purged, End of day has to take place first. Only after End of Day (night audit) has completed may these transactions be purged.