Where can I find Cancellation Reports on eRes/NebulaCRS?
1. Cancellation Reports
- Cancellation Reports can be accessed by clicking on Reports-> Management Reports -> Cancellation Reports.
- There are a few options to choose from the user can look at the Cancellations by Arrival Date or Cancellations by Cancel Date Report.
1.1 Cancellations by Arrival Date
- The report will include itinerary lines that were cancelled on an active reservation, i.e. only an itinerary line on the current active reservation that was cancelled will be included in the report.
- Cancellations will be ordered by arrival date and grouped by property.
- Typical uses for this report is to see what prospective revenue has been lost during a particular period of time.
1.2 Cancellations by Cancel Date
- The user will define the cancellation date range. Any reservation that had a cancellation date within the date range, that is now cancelled, will be included in the report.
- Cancellations will be ordered by arrival date and grouped by property.
- Typical uses for this report is to see what prospective revenue has been lost during a particular period of time.
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