Why are my Central Reservation System (CRS) bookings coming through with the incorrect rate code in Apex?

Why are my Central Reservation System (CRS) bookings coming through with the incorrect rate code in Apex?

The reason for reservations created on a Central Reservation system such as eRes, displaying the incorrect rate code on Apex might be that the rate does not exist in Apex.

  1. To ensure that the rate code exists in Apex navigate to Administration -> Reservation Codes -> Rates -> Rate Seasons.
  1. Continue to check if the rate code exists on the list displayed, if it does not exist add the Rate Season and Rate Schedule as normal.
  1. Should the rate code exist, the reason for not displaying might be due to mapping issues. With the OTA_PMS Interface only one rate is chosen to be the default, for example RACK. 
  1. Should a reservation be made using the rate STO and STO is not properly mapped, or does not exist, Apex will automatically assign RACK to the reservation.
  1. Please always make sure that the "CRS Code" matches the rate code used in eRes.