Why is my Rate not available when making a new booking in NebulaPMS?

Why is my Rate not available when making a new booking in NebulaPMS?

In order to ensure the Rates are bookable in NebulaPMS please see the below steps:

1. Seasons Calendar 

Should you be making a reservation in NebulaPMS and not be able to find your Rate in the selection window, the cause is more than likely that the Rate Season is no longer valid, or has not been created.
  1. To check the Rate Season navigate to Settings -> Rates -> Seasons Calendar.
  1. Select the Year and Property to view the Rate Seasons Calendar. 
  1. The Calendar will then show which Rate Season is valid over which dates.
  1. Next navigate to Settings -> Rates -> Rate Amounts.
  1. Select the Rate Code that is not displaying correctly, then the Year, Currency and Property. Please confirm that the Rate Amounts are correct on the Rate Schedules.
  1. Check that the Rate amounts defined are Unit or Single and Sharing.
  1. If the reservations are for Adults, Unit or Single and Sharing rates should be defined.
  1. Kids rates, Single and Sharing also need to be defined, if applicable, under the "Kids Rates" tab.

Once all the above has been checked the Rate should now display correctly when making reservations.

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