In Apex, how to fix the Incorrect Debtor/Agent Profile assigned to a reservation from CRS?
When a reservation is received on Apex from the Central Reservations system, it may occur that the incorrect Debtor/Agent profile is assigned to the reservation. There are one of two reasons why this happens: Reason 1 The Incorrect CRS code is ...
How do I Create a Debtors Posting Code in Apex?
To Create a Debtors Posting Code follow the below steps: 1. Debtors Posting Code Navigate to Administration -> AR Codes -> Debtors Posting Codes. Click on Add. Code: Enter an alphanumerical code of your choice - maximum 4 characters. ...
How to Report on Bad Debts which were Written Off on Debtors in Apex?
When a Debtors Posting code is created and called a write off (used to write off bad debts), this can be reported on using the Debtors Department Audit Report. 1. Debtors Reports Navigate to Reports -> Debtors Reports -> Debtors Department Audit. ...
Ageing Date vs Posted Date on Debtors Statement
On the Debtor's statement, there is an Ageing Date and Posted Date. When a transaction is posted this will attach a posted date and ageing date. 1. Posted Date The posted date will be the system date and not PC date in which the transaction was ...
Payment on Debtors statement has affected my current balance and not 30, 60, 90 or 120+ days balance
On the Debtor's statement, there is an Ageing Date and Posted Date. When a transaction is posted this will attach a posted date and an ageing date. To move the payment from the current balance to 30, 60, 90 or 120+ days balance, the ageing date on ...
How do I setup Agent Commission in Apex?
In order to add Commission to a Agent/Debtor the below steps need to be followed: 1. Debtors Master Navigate to Masters -> Debtors/Agent Masters. Next search for the Debtors Master that will receive commission. After the master has been selected ...
How do I reverse an incorrect Charge made on a Debtors Master statement in Apex?
In order to correct an incorrect charge manually created on the Debtor Master the below steps needs to be followed: 1. Debtors Masters To correct a Charge, you will need to post a "Charge Correction" against the incorrect line item. Please ensure ...
How do I reverse an incorrect Payment made on the Debtor Master Statement in Apex?
In order to reverse an incorrect payment made on the Debtor Master the below steps needs to be followed: 1. Debtors Masters To correct a Payment, you will need to post a "Payment Correction" against the incorrect line item. Please ensure that the ...
The wrong amount was charged on my Front Office invoice and sent to my Debtors Master Statement, how do i fix this?
In order to reverse the revenue that was charged on a normal Front Office invoice and then sent to the Debtor Master invoice, the below steps need to be followed: 1. House Account Usually when the revenue has already been sent to the Debtors Master ...
What effect does Purge Zero have on my Debtors Statement?
1. Purging Accounts Purging of zero line transactions needs to approached with caution as these transactions/items will no longer appear on the Debtors statement once the purge has been done. It is advisable to make a backup first before doing the ...