Rate & Accommodation
Why is my rate not charging during End of Day in Apex?
The main reason for Rates not charging during the End of Day, is usually that the Rate Season has expired or does not exist. Please see the below steps in order to extend or add a Rate Season. 1. Rate Seasons Details Rate schedules determine the rate ...
Why is my Rate not available when making a booking in Apex?
In order to ensure the Rates are bookable on Apex please see the below steps: 1. Rate Seasons Should you be creating a reservation in Apex and not be able to find your rate code in the selection window, the cause is more than likely that the Rate ...
How do I override a Rate in Apex?
In order to override a Rate in Apex please follow the below steps: 1. Control Menu Open the reservation that requires the rate to be overridden and select the "Control Menu" button. Under "Rate Options" select the "Override Rate" button. Please note ...