Stock Administration
How to add a New Store on PlusCentral?
The below steps can be followed when adding a new store, take note this is license dependent, you will need to contact your client success team for quote to increase the license. Steps Navigate to Administration > Stock Administration > Stores Click ...
How do I update Selling Prices on Stock and Non-Stock Sales items in PlusCentral?
1. Stock Items In order to update Selling prices on Stock Items, navigate to Administration -> Stock Administration -> Stock Items. To change the Selling price on a Stock Item select the "Change" button and thereafter the button. Once selected the ...
How do I create a Draught or Keg in PlusCentral?
Please see the below steps on how to create a Draught or Keg setup in PlusCentral: 1. Stock Items: Navigate to Administration -> Stock Administration -> Stock Items. Click on the "Add" button and complete all the mandatory fields. Enter the Sub units ...
How do I build a new Non-Stock Item in PlusCentral?
In order to create a new Non-Stock Item on PlusCentral please follow the below steps: 1. Non-Stock Item Details Non-Stock Sales Items are menu items consisting of two or more stock items, and it can also be linked to reduction recipes that will ...
What is the difference between a Stock Item and a Non-Stock Item?
1. Stock Items Stock Items are described as items which can be physically counted when doing stock takes. Beverage item examples are cans of soft drinks or beer or tots of whiskey. Food item examples are loaves of bread or cheese and fresh ...
How do I build a new Stock Item in PlusCentral?
In order to create a new Stock Item on PlusCentral please follow the below steps: 1. Stock Item Details Create a new Stock Item by clicking on the "Add" button and completing the following fields: Code: Type in the stock item code of your choice ...