NebulaCRS Restriction Types
When creating a restriction on NebulaCRS there are various restriction types that a property can apply and use to yield their rates.
Below is a list of restrictions available:
Minimum Length of Stay
This strategy requires that a reservation must be for at least a specified number of nights in order to be accepted. The advantage of this strategy is that it allows the hotel to develop a relatively even occupancy pattern. It is common for resorts to use this approach during peak occupancy periods. It may also be used by hotels during special events or high occupancy periods. The use of minimum length of stay requirements is intended to keep an occupancy peak on one day from reducing occupancy on the days before and after the peak. Minimum length of stay requirements need to be controlled carefully because the hotel may be turning down profitable business of shorter duration it may be wise to track and analyse lost business.
The parameter field should be specify the numeric value of the minimum nights required.
Maximum Length of Stay
Maximum length of stay requires a reservation to be in-house for a specified period of nights and the reservation may not exceed this amount of nights in order to benefit from the restricted Rate. Maximum length of stay may be useful in a scenario where you have two occupancy peaks with a low in the middle. The maximum length of stay is enforced between the two peaks, not overlapping the peaks, in an effort to increase the low occupancy. The maximum length of stay will force prospective guests into the low period and their departure time will be before the peak period in an effort to even out the pattern.
The parameter field should be specify the numeric value of the maxiumum nights required.
Days of Week (Rates applies to whole duration)
The restriction limits the restricted Rate to be active on specified days, for the whole duration of a stay. In other words Rate availability may be restricted to Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and any guest that makes a reservation for all these days receives this restricted Rate. Should the guest be in-house for a week, Monday through Wednesday will benefit from the restricted Rate and the remainder of the days will be charged at a higher Rate. This strategy may be used to attract business to a relatively low occupancy period in an attempt to even the occupancy spread.
Days of Week (Rate applies on specific days only)
Days of week (Rate applies on specific days only) restriction makes a restricted Rate available on specific days only. A reservation will therefore have to satisfy the rule by being in-house during these days before it may benefit from this Rate.
Minimum Days before Arrival
Minimum days before arrival restrict a Rate to only be available when the reservation is made a minimum number of days in advance of arrival, ensuring a minimum lead time.
Maximum Days before Arrival
Maximum days before arrival requires the reservation to be made a maximum number of days prior to the arrival date.
Day of Arrival
Day of arrival restriction specifies that a reservation has to arrive on the specified day before the restricted Rate will be made available for the reservation's benefit.
Promotions are ‘specials’ that the hotel advertises in e.g. a newspaper or on the website. These rates are usually discounted, property specific, date range specific, source code specific etc. Promotional rates are associated with a promotion code, which must be entered on the reservation (either via the reservation front-end or website) to make available the restricted promotional rate (code restricted to 10 characters). The promotion code would typically be quoted by the prospective guest at the time of making the reservation. Once entered on the reservation the promotional rate is made available to the current reservation session. Once the reservation is saved, the promotion code must be entered again before such rates are made available.
It is possible to limit the number of rooms available for sale at the restricted promotional rate code, by setting the number of rooms available at promotional rate code. This is facilitated through the Availability per Rate code.
Minimum Rooms Required
Minimum Rooms required restriction requires a minimum number of rooms to be booked prior to making restricted Rate codes available for the current reservation session. A reservation is regarded as per Property, meaning that the rooms booked per Property will be evaluated to determine whether the minimum number of rooms is satisfied as per the restriction. Where multiple itineraries are booked per Property (e.g. different Room Types per property), eRes® will count the number of rooms where the itinerary lines overlap.
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